Saturday, December 30, 2006

To Own A Dragon

I am reading a book right now that every single mother who is raising a son should read. It is called, To Own A Dragon. It is the story of a man who grew up without a father. His insights are terrific and somewhat unexpected.

For most single mothers, raising boys can be a mystery. Having never been a boy, she's going to have to guess. Reading this book can give insight into what your son is going through or will go through at some point in his life. The book also gives hope as to what it might mean to be fathered by God.

A point of comfort for single moms should be that she can know God is determined to father her children. Fathering is so important and it is not something a mother can do. So, when single mothers are working their rear off to fill in the gaps left by the absent father, it is nice to know that God is in the details.

Being aware of how God fathers (albeit piecemeal sometimes) will help the single mother to allow that process to play itself out.

Please read this book if you are a single mother raising a son.


kelly said...

My husband read this book and had very good things to say. Another book which might be of interest to you is Preparing Him for the Other Woman by Sheri Rose Shepherd. More Godly advice for raising sons! Check it out. blessings~

Fajita said...

Thanks for the tips on the book.