Monday, April 09, 2007

Smart Single Parents Speak #4: Guard Your Kids From Media Driven Loneliness

What's more important than your children? Of course, nothing. There is nothing in the world that would be worth trading for your kids.

And yet, sometimes we fail to guard our kids. We leave them alone emotinoally when we should be engaging them. Now, children are not going to up and scream, "Help me, I feel alone." Rarely will a child disclose feeling alone. In fact, they might not even recognize that they are alone becasue they are kept at bay with media.

TV, internet, texting and IMing can fill the lonely spaces in the heasrts of our children, but these technologies do not fill that space very well.

No child needs to be left alone with the internet. Here is what I mean:

The internet is unfiltered, which means that kids need to make choices that are often times beyond their capacity. There is fear (though it might be experienced as excitement) when they face something they do not understnad or something that is dangeorus. Parental engagement is super important when it comes to the internet.

Furthermore, media is impersonal. Media driven lonleiness is often pervasive and undetected because the child is soothed by the media. Don't think that because your child is not complaining he or she is not lonely.

Guard your kids from media driven lonliness.


Anonymous said...

Some things on TV could be helpful to children. have you seen baby borrowers? show your kids that they should thank their lucky stars they have you and not some brain dead teenagers feeding them strained bananas

grants for single moms said...

Its true that media plays very important role in your kid life..It can have both positive and negative aspects on your child..Always be aware of that what kids are watching on TV.